What I treat.

Musculoskeletal pain.

Emily specializes in core orthopedics, the viscera, and psychosocial and emotional healing. Oftentimes, these areas show pain from problems in other areas of the body. For example, a hip or bladder issue could be driven by a problem in the foot, so Emily looks at the whole musculoskeletal system to diagnose the root cause of the pain.

Pregnancy and postpartum.

During pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum, there is a systemic change in the musculoskeletal and visceral systems that can be long-lasting if you don't seek help. Emily’s expertise can help increase the chances of a complication-free delivery and reduce future pain. The changes are extensive and it’s important to understand and take charge of our health as women.

Pelvic pain.

Your pelvic core is from your hips to your neck, with the pelvis as the foundation. These muscles support the spine, control movement, and house all of your organs. Every movements requires stability, mobility, and synchronized function of the pelvic core. Because every movement goes through your core, it is a vital area of the body to treat in order to optimize health and healing.

This includes conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal surgery, tailbone injuries, incontinence, postpartum impairments, etc.

Mental and emotional healing.

We store a lot of our emotions in our somatic systems. So, when you have a mental or emotional trauma, you may work through it mentally, however it is still stuck in your body. Often, trauma can be linked to a dysfunction in an organ, so Emily will mobilize the organs to help release the emotion from the body.